Unlocking a New Genre of Fantasy
J.R. Vaineo
The Tower's Captive

I, the heiress of two Deathasyns, am a captive. Gillock-Thorn stole me from my family, then locked me in the Tower of Vaydell. After all these years, never has he allowed a single hair to be cut from my golden-red tresses. It is being saved for the highest bidder. My time is short. Not even a year from now, a bidder will claim me as his wife, and with his claim to me, he will also claim the Deathasyn throne for any children I may give him.
I do not want this fate, but what choice have I?
Then he entered my tower. The High Prince. Sir Dalidor-Yarrow. When he intervenes on my behalf, I am taken from the high tower, yet head in the opposite direction of my true home. I venture out with his troop of Geldryn soldiers, to go learn proper etiquette with the Withrasyns. I stand before the High Sorsryn Kings, their nobles, their princes and princesses as well, to entertain and amaze them. Best of all, I am taught the magic of my home clan by the most unlikely of people. Soren of the Monel. He leads me to dream of what I want. Freedom. Whatever true freedom means. I want it more than anything.
Yet a malevolent presence hunts me in the dark, then in the light. It seeks to destroy all chances at happiness. I do believe it might succeed. Perhaps a remnant from my past will save me . . . The Mother’s Song sung to lull young children to sleep. Will it prove strong enough to lull a dragon to sleep, I wonder.
Join me, Rapunzyl-Bellflower, and find out.